
  1. Create installer account on Q.onnect - (Video demo)
  2. Register the installation site on Q.onnect (Video demo)
  3. Does the site have internet? - If yes(internet commission):
    1. You can commission the system with a smartphone (or any device that has internet browser)
  4. Does the site have internet? - If no(Local commission):
    1. You'll need a laptop or a SwitchDin droplet. (Router or WiFi extender also works, or anything with local AP)

Step 1: Commission the batteries, follow the manual or view: (Video here). (if 1 battery only, no commissioning required, skip this step). 

Step 2: Commission the Energy Meter (either Carlo Gavazzi EM112/EM24/EM24 CT, see Quick Installation Guide for wiring and configuration). 

See below on how to commission the correct meter type under inverter settings

Energy meter - with Internet commission

Method A: Online Monitoring Portal (recommended)

Go to Login and go to: select the site by choosing Serial number -> Product information -> Basic Settings (This can be done prior attending site)

Method B: Connect on the same network (No SwitchDin in between)Your device and the inverter will be on the same network. Either from the homeowner modem or via a BYO router/WiFI extender. 

Use the assigned IP address that can be found from LCD screen and access port 8000. E.g. on a internet browser.

Inverter LCD Screen

Log into SIM manager PW: sim0325

Choose the meter model.

Method CUsing SwitchDin to access SIM manager. (DO NOT COMMISSION THE SWITCHDIN DROPLET or it won't work)

Video demo to access SIM manger via SwitchDin: click here

Step 1. Connect SwitchDin to PCS directly via ethernet cable and the ethernet-to-usb adaptor in between.

Step 2. Power-on both devices and connect SwitchDin's droplet WiFi "Droplet xxxxxxx". Use password "SwitchDin". 

Step 3. Check the assigned IP address from the LCD screen.

Use the assigned IP address that can be found from LCD screen and access port 8000. E.g. on a internet browser.

Log into SIM manager PW: sim0325

Choose the meter model.

Energy meter - with local commission

Method A: Using SwitchDin (recommended) to access SIM manager. (DO NOT COMMISSION THE SWITCHDIN DROPLET or it won't work)

Video demo to access SIM manger via SwitchDin: click here

Step 1. Connect SwitchDin to PCS directly via ethernet cable and the ethernet-to-usb adaptor in between.

Step 2. Power-on both devices and connect SwitchDin's droplet WiFi "Droplet xxxxxxx". Use password "SwitchDin". 

Step 3. Check the assigned IP address from the LCD screen.

Use the assigned IP address that can be found from LCD screen and access port 8000. E.g. on a internet browser.

Log into SIM manager PW: sim0325

Choose the meter model.

Method B: Connect via a laptop. 

Connect to laptop using an ethernet cable and connect the other end to LAN port on inverter (refer to Installation Video @8:31 or section 7 in Installation Manual)

Log into SIM manager PW: sim0325

Choose the meter model.

Step 3. Confirmation of energy meter commissioning

If you see the meter icon then energy meter has been commissioned correctly.

Step 4: Connect to the internet (either via direct ethernet/WiFi repeater/SwitchDin). If you see the globe icon and IP address other than then it should be already connected to the internet.

Final Step: If you see all three LED lights green and these three icons below then commissioning has been completed!

Having trouble? Try below videos or give us a call on 1800 QHOME 0 (1800 746 630)

Q.HOME+ ESS HYB-G2 Multiple Batteries Commissioning (quick way)

Q CELLS Q.HOME⁺ESS HYB-G2 Installation Tutorial

Q.HOME+ ESS HYB-G2 Energy Meter EM112 set-up